Thursday 10 November 2011

Personal Reaction to "2001 a Space Odyssey"

 I like this movie as there is little conversation in it. First, I enjoyed the background music at the beginning and the end of the movie; it is very peaceful to me although some people think that it is scary and makes people nervous. The movie is devided to several different parts--from chimpanzees to modern technology. Throughout all the different parts in the movie, there is always something that makes people think of a monolith.

In the beginning of the movie, there is a bone of a dead animal, which symbolizes the early progress made by chimpanzees of using tools. The tool is the bone of a dead animal, and chimpanzees get the bone due to the sacifice of the animal. However it means the significant progress during human evolution. Also, when I noticed that in the seond part, the flying pen in the spaceship was leaking red ink, I thought of the bone in the first part and imagined blood from killing. In order to achieve more, human use modern technology; I though it is also a kind of cruel "killing" when I saw Frank being killed by HAL9000.

In my opinion, the bone, the pen that is leaking red ink and the death of Frank all indicate that in order to survive, there must be killing and cruel competetions.

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