Sunday 18 September 2011

Victoria Day Trip

It's been a long time for me to enjoy a trip. I liked travelling when I was a little child although the memory wouldn't stay for very long. However, fate destroyed my taste of travelling, and I have been stressed about any trip since then. I have always preferred staying home and being in my own world. The idea of going to Victoria before going back to Japan had obsessed me for a long time. As I realized that it was almost time to go back, I decided to go to Victoria with CAs and ELI friends yesterday.

 I had no expectation that the trip would be enjoyable, but thanks to my friends and one of the CAs, it turned out to be a very pleasant one.

We met at 8:15 at Vancouver City Center in the morning, and then headed to the ferry. I liked the ferry very much. Although it was 1 and a half hours on it, time went by very quickly, and we soon arrived in Victoria. We took a school bus to the Butchart Garden, and we spent about 2 hours enjoying the garden. It was supposed to rain, but it didn't. All the flowers there looked so energetic and colourful. There was also a Japanese Garden in it; everything was so delicate.

In the afternoon we went to the Royal BC Meseum, and watched IMAX movie. The screen there is 10 times as big as the one in a movie theater. One of our friends bought too much popcorns there, so we had to share it as we couldn't take it with us while visiting the museum afterwards. The movie and the museum took us so long that we didn't have time to visit the Miniature World.

In the evening, we ate dinner by the sea close to the Empress Hotel outside. The beautiful scenery made me drunk. I felt happy, and relaxed. I was happy and I laughed a lot even the things were not actually that interesting. I know my laughter is very unique in a bad way:( when I am really laughing so hard. I wish I didn't scare people there:P

We took a ferry back to Vancouver at night, and we played very interesting games on the ferry. I felt unusually energetic even when it was 11 at night. I didn't want the long day to end so quickly as I was afraid of a new day's coming. I couldn't figure out what made me feel relaxed today; I know it was just some shallow happiness, but I felt the memory somehow valuable.


  1. I'm really glad that you had such a good experience in Victoria with the other ELI people, Xiaoyue! I wouldn't say such feelings were "shallow," though; it's better to enjoy these kinds of experiences without minimizing the pleasure we get from them. By the way, did you take any pictures of the Butchart Gardens?

  2. Thank you!
    Yeah, but not many pictures as it was supposed to rain that day, and it was a bit cloudy.
    Do you want to see the pictures?

  3. Xiao, I don't think the feeling you got is shallow, too. After all, life is a result of piling up so much small happiness, sadness and other usual stuff with few huge events, I guess. Good for you that you got another sweet memory to cherish!
